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For Erika, hurricanes are personal. She's been fascinated by them since she was a kid and when Hurricane Sandy came and obliterated her childhood hangouts... well, now she's on a mission.
As an early career scientist, Erika talks to others in her generation. Even though climate change seems way off in the future, that's *their* future.
What parent wouldn't want their kids to look back and be proud of them? What's the alternative? Have our kids look back and wonder...
3 foot waves? Eh, they're no big deal. But three feet everywhere in the ocean -- think about how much further storm surge will go!
Listening to popular media you might think scientists are divided on climate change. But Erika, as with the other climate scientists we've interviewed, hasn't met another climate scientist who doesn't think climate change is real.
This is a good news video -- we can still make a difference! Erika offers her encouragement to get involved.
Whatever you're personally passionate about, get involved. That's that this is about, preserving the things we love... Go do it!
We know the direction we're headed, but what will look like when we get there? Erika talks about how we know the road we're on, although not what the destination will look like...
If 99 of 100 doctors tell you something and one other disagrees...
Yes climate change is a big problem. But what's needed from us as individuals right here, right now is simply... talk to people!
Yes climate change is real. It's not a debate anymore. Erika gives us a quick overview of how we know it's happening.
3 feet of ocean rise might not seem like a lot. After all we play in the waves don't we? Erika reminds us that for some places it is – it will be the difference of being under water or not (either during storm surges or permanently!)
It's a good question, why should I care about climate change? Especially if you're out on a beautiful day, it's hard to get worked up. Well, Erika gives us a quick overview of the reasons she sees why we should care.
Hurricanes are so powerful... we know that, but experiencing it is something else. Especially as a child. Erika tells us about the impact and wonder she felt seeing a hurricane growing up.
Have you ever wondered what motivates a scientist? For Erika it's simply a love of nature. Lucky, right?
As a scientist, I only have so much influence, so this opportunity to share this is important to me. I hope it’s helpful.
We know what to do, we have the technology, we have the ability. That's extremely hopeful -- we have the opportunity now to act!
A debate in the media is one thing. Erika explains though why there's little debate in the science.
As someone who loves being outdoors, the northwest is an adventure (when the weather's nice of course :)